Download our infographic to protect your business from costly cybercrime. Business email compromise (BEC) is a phishing attack deployed by cybercriminals to trick employees into transferring funds or sharing sensitive information. BEC scams are...
I’ve worked from home most of my career. Having a great home office setup for me is very important. We had the Forth of July week off, and I took this opportunity to revamp...
The term “use by date” is commonly associated with food and medication as it indicates the date after which these products are no longer safe to consume. However, it’s important to note that hardware...
Find out more on how an outsourced IT provider can guide you to success. Are you finding it difficult to keep up with the ever-changing technology landscape? Managing your IT needs in-house can be...
As technology continues to advance at an ever-increasing pace, businesses face mounting demands on their IT infrastructure. To address these challenges effectively, outsourcing your IT needs to a third-party provider is becoming the go-to...
Ever since I ventured into the realm of smart homes in 2016, upon moving into my newly constructed abode, I’ve been managing a variety of gadgets such as thermostats, garage door openers, security cameras,...
 In today’s competitive business landscape, leveraging AI can give your company a significant edge. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly accessible and powerful, offering businesses the opportunity to automate processes, generate insights from...
Although artificial intelligence (AI) has offered businesses numerous advantages, it has also opened up new vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit to carry out sophisticated and hard-to-detect cyberattacks. With AI, hackers can now craft...
Fasten your seatbelts, Adobe Photoshop enthusiasts! Ever since we embraced the Creative Cloud subscription model in 2013 – yes, a thrilling decade has flown by – Adobe has been faithfully delivering updates, making your...
Now that my network upgrade is complete (see my Networking gear guide here to see every item I put into my new server racks), it’s time to focus on something I’ve been putting off...